Last Man to Hang


We conclude, with this item, our series on the murder of Pearl Gamble by Robert McGladdery on Saturday 28 January 1961. Today is the forty-sixth anniversary of that fateful night.   Had this terrible fate not befallen her, Pearl would this year have turned sixty-five and become an old-age pensioner.

Pearl Gamble

Pearl Gamble

I was thirteen then and just beginning to take an interest in girls.   I had had one girlfriend, Monica Jones, a neighbour’s daughter, with whom, amazingly, I shared a birthday.   I think that was all we had in common.   Our childish tryst didn’t last. I was single and fancy-free again, and happy to be so, …

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Overcrowding in Newry


With our close study of Upper Water Street over the centuries, it might seem one must conclude that overcrowding was at its worst a century ago in 1901. A glance at the population/houses statistics, of Famine times compared to just one hundred years ago, will tell you otherwise! Year ……………. 1841 1851 1861 1871 1891 1901 1911   No. of homes ….. …

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Last man to hang for murder


It was almost two weeks after the murder, before McGladdery, who was continually being followed, cracked and led the police inadvertently to the scene of the septic tank just a few hundred yards from his home where he had secreted the blood-stained missing clothes and other items from the murder scene.