Part-time Psychologist

I finally found my vocation when I took up the study of Psychology.  Over the following few years I completed a B.A. and then an honours M.A. in Psychology and in the summer when the university was closed to full-time students I worked at a variety of jobs. 

The first summer I painted houses: the second, I mowed lawns: the third, I loaded and unloaded cartons of tinned groceries to and from boxcars and trailers for Kelly-Douglas and Safeway Stores.

In the autumn of 1958 I joined the University of Toronto where I spent two years in post-graduate work.  In July 1960 I returned to St Bride’s on a very sad mission, the funeral of my brother Hughie, to be told next.   In September 1960 I returned again to Toronto and began work at Riverside Psychiatric Hospital, a post I held for the following five years.  Then I returned to the University of British Colombia to complete my doctorate.   That took four years and it was autumn 1969 when I was granted my Ph. D. in Psychology.

I was the second Ph. D. ever of the Department: Karl Hofferman was the first and he was even older than me! For Karl it was more of a status symbol than a means of earning a living.  He was a partner in a lumber company and was well-off financially.

I returned to Riverside Hospital where I worked until I retired.

death in the family …

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