Perils of an Earth Walker 1.


Newry has a proud and illustrious history of offering aid to the developing world – and indeed to the needy at home, both on the group and the individual level. 

Father Peter McVerry was recently presented on RTE with Man of the Year (again!) for his efforts with the homeless and addicts in Dublin. Dan Moore presently works in the same arena. 

Read morePerils of an Earth Walker 1.

Art McCooey: [Kavanagh]


I must appeal to proper Kavanagh scholars who may explain why the poet dedicated the following to his predecessor poet of our region, Art McCooey. The collection ‘A Soul for Sale‘ was published in the year of my birth by Macmillan. Other poems in this anthology were similarly dedicated to those who went before.

Read moreArt McCooey: [Kavanagh]