Next weekend (Fri-Sun 17-19 June) features the re-launch of Ti Chulainn Centre, Mullaghbawn with an official Opening Ceremony at 7.30 on Friday evening followed by a buffet supper and a traditional session with award-winning musicians promised.
There will also, of course be a guided tour of the various facilities on offer and an introduction to the valuable Archive of written works by local authors such as Michael J Murphy. There are too, bar facilities and a hotel-standard accommodation suite should you choose to postpone your return home for a while. If you do, I recommend The Poet’s Trail early-morning walk – the best hangover cure imaginable!
Which brings us neatly to Saturday 18 June, deemed Walking Day! Do your own thing – or join in the 4.00 pm Historical Walking Tour, with an expert guide!
There is a ‘Political Tour’ scheduled for 2.00 pm. Is this a ‘politically-correct’ term for what others deem ‘Terror
Saturday evening is the highlight. There is a Folklore Evening 7.30-9.00 with singer Len Graham and Storyteller John Campbell. At dusk there is a fire-throwing display within the Stone Ring featured here in the photograph. The evening concludes with the excellent Backbone Blues Band. Something for everyone, literally!!
Well, not the children! So Sunday is Children Day. From 12-2.00 pm Noel Mackin is working in Artistic Workshops with local children. While this is going on (and after, 2-4.00 pm) the
Of course throughout, there will be a host of other features in the Centre and its immediate vicinity: circus performers; fire-throwers; Bouncy castle; Face-painters; balloon modellers; pony-trekking; a Vintage Farm Machinery display.
This will require me to ‘borrow’ my grandchild as shield on Sunday.
Something tells me her parents will not object!

Margaret Campbell of Dromintee, your Ti Chulainn Centre Manager