We’ve had a few requests to ‘blow up’ that recent class photo. So here it is in two parts.
3rd Row: Tony Keenan; Tony Fitzpatrick; Charles McSherry; George Haughey; Peter Haughey; Martin Heaney
2nd Row: Dominic Mc Cormick; Hugh Carroll; J P Bradley; Martin Leonard; Paddy ?
Front Row: Sean Treanor; Charlie McDonald; Ronnie Kane; Hugh Curran; Arty Downey
And the second part! The only missing figure is Bro McDermott himself.

Back Row: Kevin Mc Alinden; Marty McLaughlin; Eugene McCann; Colm Chambers; Michael Cummins
3rd Row: Colm Grant; Gabriel O Hanlon; Dermot Mc Conaghy; Gene Fegan; Pat Grogan
2nd Row: Tom Hughes; Martin Mc Aleavey; Sean Henry; Daniel McSherry; Leslie Alesbury
Front Row: Harry Donnelly: Marty Connell; Aidan Meehan; Martin McAteer; Peter Keenan; Sean Brown
Would some kind soul fill in the missing names through Guestbook, please?
Thanks to Anthony Fitzpatrick and ‘Santanta’.
And more recently, Aidan Meehan, now of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
But it’s not finished yet!!!