Newry Film Club: Incendies


This Wednesday at 7.30 pm in the Arts Centre, Newry Film Club presents their latest offering, the highly-acclaimed film Incendies.

A mother’s last wish sends twins Jeanne and Simon on a journey to the Middle East in search of their tangled roots.

The film tells the powerful and moving story of two young adults’ voyage to the core of deep-rooted hatred, never-ending wars … but also enduring love.

It was adapted from the play of Wajdi Mouawad, of the same name.

Corn Dolly

corn dolly newry

The last stalks of corn were cut an’ when they wur  plaited they wur taken to the house.  Then there wus singin’ and fun.


An’ all wud sing be ear but there wus one man cud do it be note.  He wus called ‘Geordie Look-Up’ because of he’s way of walkin’ an’ all the neighbourin’ ladies wud be there till hear him.

Read moreCorn Dolly

Fews Glossary: S 1

Dialect ‘S’ 1 of 7
Sack            dismiss, also bags of all sizes
Saggans       tall reeds or plants growing in water
Sally            willow, a sally rod once used for corporal punishment
Salted          ‘well salted’, paid above the going rate
Say              ‘he has no say in his house’
                   agree, ‘Say with her! It saves trouble.’
Scad            little, short
Scaldsome   troublesome
Scollops       rods sharpened at both ends, then doubled and driven into the scraws in thatching
Scope          scoup, hollow out or excavate
Score           scratch, ‘score her eyes out’
Scrab           scratch, ‘Mary scrabbed me, ma’
Scranch       crunch or crush
Scrant          ‘bad scrant till ye for yer cheek!’, begone!  Ill luck to you
Scrapers      feet, ‘wipe yer scrapers before you come in’
Scraws        sods
Screed         a story
Scringe        creak, borrow
Scroggy       waste land of bracken or briars
Scrub           mean: also occasionally affectionate term, ‘a taking wee scrub that’, a fine child
Scruff           back of the neck
Scrunt          useless, small
Scuffed        shabby
Scum           to skim, ‘scum the milk’
Scunder       dislike
Scundered    devastated, ‘I was scundered when it happened’

Fews Glossary: L 1

Dialect ‘L’ 1 of 3
Labour         dig, toil
Laced           beaten, ‘he was laced to ribbons in the fight’
                   fortified with spirits
Lamentable  regrettable, bad, ‘lamentable news’, ‘lamentable day’
Land            arrive, ‘we landed at Hughie’s at five’; caused to move to, ‘he landed me in the water’; struck home, ‘I landed him one on the jaw’; arrived, ‘I landed in time for my tea’; entrapped romantically, ‘she’s landed him’
Lant             scold
Lap              wrap, ‘lap the shawl round ye’
Lapped up    well wrapped up
Lash            a good go, ‘give her a lash, ye boy ye’; ‘lashings of money’, heaps; lashed, splashed with water, ‘lash it round me, Biddy’; vomit, ‘ lashed it all off’; threshed, ‘he lashed it with the flail’; scold, ‘she’s always lashing out’
Last             durability, ‘there’s no last in it’; survive, ‘he’ll not last the night’
Lasty           lasting
Laudy-daw   snobbish
Law             v. to take the law, to go to law, ‘to lay down the law’, talk with authority
Lay              leave, clear, ‘lay the house this minute’
Lay on         chastise, flatter, ‘she’s good at laying it on’ ‘lay on the brat’
Learn           teach, chastise, ‘I’ll learn ye if I get my han’s on ye’
Leather        to beat
Let on          ‘don’t let on’, don’t tell; ‘we never let on we saw her’, ignored the fact; ‘he’s ony letting on’, pretending; ‘let be’, leave alone; ‘let on’, pretend

On the latter note, I recently remarked that High Street, Oludeniz offers the choice of three doctor/hospital services: the first is the Letoon Doctor; the second Esnaf; and the third is the Likya doctor.  It is a moot question whether conventional medicines are on offer!!

Fews Glossary: O

Dialect ‘O’
Odd             occasional, few in number, ‘there’s only the odd one left’
Off ‘n on      from time to time, now and then
Offer            attempt, ‘his first offer at the jump’
Oil                beat, ‘I’ll oil his backside for him’
Oiled            drunk, ‘he was well-oiled’
On               var. ‘what did it on ye?’, ‘he is married on’ (re-married), ‘say a kind word on’, ‘on for fun’, ready for amusement
Orate           talking as with authority, ‘What’s he orating on now?’
Open weather        fine weather
Our ones      my family
Out              out by, ‘it’s not the weather for being out by’, out-of-doors: ‘she called me out of my name’, mis-called me; n. out-friend, a distant relation, ‘he’s been out with me this long time’, no longer friends; courting, ‘they’re going out together’; wrong, ‘you’re all out in your story; ‘out by’, away from home
Over            ‘At last, she’s over’, the child has finally fallen asleep
                   Recover, ‘he has overed it well’
Overhaul      recite, ‘he could overhaul the whole piece for you’
Owed           owned, ‘he owed till the doing of it’, ‘he owes a quare take of land’
Oxter           armpit
Oxter-cogged        walked arm-in-arm

Fews Dialect: L 2


Labour  dig, toil
Laced  beaten, ‘
Pat’s Hughie was laced to ribbons in the fight’
 fortified with spirits
Lamentable bad, ‘
lamentable news’
  arrive [regardless of mode of transport!]
Landed  ended up, fell, ‘he landed in the water’
  hit ‘
I landed him one on the nose’
  caught, ‘
She landed him’
Lap  wrap,
‘Lap the shawl round ye’
Lapped up
 ate hungrily, wrapped up, succombed to flattery
Lash  plenty, heaps, ‘lashings o’ money’
  Splash, ‘lash the water round ye’
  Vomit, ‘she lashed it all off’
  Threshed, ‘he lashed it with the flail’
  Scold, ‘
she’s always lashing out’
‘there’s no last in it’ ‘he’ll not last the night’
ty  lasting
Laudy-daw snobbish
Law  ‘to take the law’, to go to law, ‘lay down the law wi’ them’, talk with authority
Lay  clear, leave, ‘Lay the house this minit’
Lay on  flattery, chastisement,
‘She’s good at laying it on’
‘I’ll learn ye if I get me hands on ye’
  to beat
Let on  var.  ‘don’t let on’, don’t tell
‘we never let on we saw her’
  ‘he’s ony letting on’
, pretending
Let be  leave alone
Level going easy tempered
Lick  n. a toady, a blow ‘a lick on the snout’, a blow to the nose,
  Careless washing, ‘that’s just a lick and a promise’ v. to beat, also a promise or a pledge, ‘
we’ll lick thumbs on that’
  near, ‘it lies by me till I need it’ 
Lift  church, or event collect, ‘
What was the lift?’
‘I didn’t lift you there’
  Steal, ‘
that boy ‘ud lift anything not nailed down’
  Carry a coffin, ‘You’re with the second lift, OK?
  Kick, ‘
I’ll lift ye with me toe’
  A dead lift, a weight raised from ground level
Liggety  long
Lights  lungs, ‘.
.roaring his lights out for nothing at all’ ‘I’ll knock yer lights out’
 continuation of above
‘ I don’t know what’
  ‘what like is the calf?’
is it good or otherwise
Likeness photograph, ‘
he had his likeness tuk’
  easily broken
Lines  certificate of marriage, baptism etc.
Linge  to chastise
Lip  impertinence
  Taste, ‘I haven’t lipped drink the day’
Lint-hole flax-hole
Load  quantity of drink
  ‘he had a full load, drunk as a lord’
Load of coul’  a bad dose of the cold
Lock  an unspecified quantity, ‘
a lock of potatoes’
Lobby  big, careless, slothful
Loodther to beat
Looks his bit  begs for food, ‘a poor man looks his bit’
Looney  lunatic
Longsome slow, ‘
he’s that longsome’
 free, ‘
When yer father’s loose I’d like a word with him’
 free to come and go, as a bachelor
Looseness diarrhoea
Loy  spade
Lue  lukewarm, as of water, courting, friendship
Lump it  put up with, ‘If you don’t like it you can lump it!’
Lump  large, ‘a great lump of a child’, [or horse, house etc]
Lying  sick, ‘she’s been lying for months’
Long-tongued indiscreet person
Loose-tongued same, also, a bawdy conversationalist
Lug  ear




I was driving on the outskirts of Newtown’ one Sunday afternoon recently when for the first time I encountered a Bullets match. 

The group of affable and enthusiastic young men were solicitous to direct my oncoming car safely through, but I quickly pulled in to the grass verge and got out, to signify my interest in the game in hand.  With military regimen the contest resumed.

Read moreBullets