Joey’s prayers answered

It’s best, I presume, to keep two parrots together in the one large cage for company for each other.

The widow woman had inherited the birds ……

……….. from her deceased sailor husband and she was mightily embarrassed at their turn of phrase! No matter who came into the house, one or other would greet the new visitor with an expression like:

‘Hey Baby! Like me to show you a good time?’

She learned they were both female and little company for each other in that line.

Things came to a head when the priest called, and was greeted in the usual fashion!

‘Don’t worry yourself, woman dear. I have parrots of my own. I can see your problem.

In fact, my birds are both male! But they’re avid Christians.
One never leaves the rosary beads down.

The other reads the Bible all the time.

Perhaps we should introduce them to your birds!

We could watch then how things progress!’

It sounded a great idea and all four birds were housed in the one larger cage.

The priest and the woman returned after a few days.

The priest’s two birds were remonstrating with each other.

‘I tell you, Joey,’ said the first,

‘You can forget about the rosary beads.

Sure, haven’t our prayers been answered?’



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